Friday, February 17, 2012

How To raise Money for Your Invention at No Cost

Here are some options you may find interesting other than paying for the patent yourself;

Go Into Business For Yourself;If you're the inventor, you have the right to do this. You've made your invention and you have the rights if you make and sell it by due "diligence". The problem here is 4 out of 5 small businesses fail. Although this is a low rate of sucess it's at least as high as Multilevel Marketing and much higher than winning the lottery.

As Seen On TV

Sites like Sylmark allow promotion at no cost whatsoever for the inventor with the chance for 10 million dollars or more if you have a good household invention, ect. If you are in poor health or poor credit history ect. this may not work because they do a web search and will turn you down perhaps, ect. First I must say this seems to be good business practice in a sense, they don't want some rich bum like JD Clampett promoting their business if he makes them "look bad", was J.D. Clampett so bad really? What about people like Elton John or James Taylor (70's musicians) who had bad luck before they were renouned, and all the other people like them who would say thanks with their life and greatness if allowed to be themselves and be great. The problem with too much surveillance is it is based only on past performance and there's no way to predict the future from the past, there's no future there as often. Mark Twain, Edison, Benjiman Franklin, Einstein, Lincoln, they weren't perfect but they were good for the world. The Sylmark site and other As seen on TV's may be of worth for many, even so....

Third Option (This may be the best of them Because it's General);

Angels Via Inventors Organizations

 If you can't sell as some, but you are a good inventor (and you have smart people in your family and lots of neighbors who like you like good inventors tend to have) it may be of worth to you to either join a local inventor's club or enlist your relatives ect. to sign up and ask the union for contact info to reach investor anjels, often rich people who will help fund the patent. The new first to invent laws no longer protect you if you are the first to have an idea for an invention. Now you have to have what's called diligence, that is you have to develop your invention to practice, like making a prototype, research and or actively patenting your invention before anyone else to claim the right. This means you can no longer proclaim your invention and have the rights. This is why it's important to only disclose the general idea and examples of others like it of the general type to the anjel or when at the inventors union, and then when you show the actual invention to the anjel first be sure to ask them to sign what's called a nondisclosure document, so they can't claim the rights themselves if you are the inventor. Actually idea theft is rare, even so this is good insurance.

The reason this third method may be better than even the above is because there are just a few As Seen on TV's seen and since there are inventor's unions in most states with perhaps five angels per union, if you have say 100 good inventions, in 50 states that's 25,000 ways you might win, and once you're in you're rich "per se". As seen on TV has far fewer options even if it has potental with it. If you can't have your reps sign up for you in your state, there are the other 48. If your idea is good, and there are ways to improve your bet, e.g. read magazines like PS or PM to find what's going one now in the invention world so you have a way to boost your brain and so on and not waste your time with ideas that have already been seen. It's been said your chances of being first are not a lot, even so Edison had ideas for 10,000 patents even in the 1800's what are the options in the 21st century right?

By this method you can find angels who may like you more than the rest, so even if you are poor like Lincoln if you make enough labor sooner or later you may find you're to reach the realm of more gold you hope for, well who knows.

Fourth Method


This is where new laws allow you to either offer up your idea as per se on the internet for funders who will help you pay for a return of your profits if you make any. If you're wise about inventions though you aren't an inventor this may also be used to your advantage by funding the right inventions, often much more lucrative than 50% stocks or 50% bombs!


Monday, October 30, 2006

How To Be The World's Nicest Boss!
By taking out a low interest loan on a Rolls (a good used Rolls is cheaper) and with classified ads for your service to such as lawyers, doctors, and your bright moms (she's worth it!) you can start with just a small ad in the paper and multiply up as you earn. A good rate is 100 or $200 an hour. Your own rate may be higher or lower, The first hour of the month you pay the loan and then you may make 200 an hour for the rest of the month for your labor. You may know some professional who you could ask for the money to start first for advance pay of the loan plus more. And for your peace of mind, repetition of this advanced booking plan would insure that you could always pay the loan, or just go on a luxury ship splurge that month if Rio welcomes your gold, investment diamonds, and ranch house in Miami Beach you are so mobile and rich! Be sure to find out the rates for other towns in your area and if you're good at sales and know the people you can build a foundation of your life if you'd rather earn more than Box Lots has biz on December 22th!

Can you think of a product you would like to build? Would you like to be on a name fame basis With Ms Cash VIII? Build your machine better than the mass produced Ford Trimotor (the first mass produced passenger plane) and your will will be much richer than you were, your overhead will be lower too! And you'll have all the brass you can handle. The Colonel thought of fast food when he was 65 and above the sped limit, he lost his restaurant-hotel and service station business and was with no more than a small Social Security payment each month, plus a winning potluck lottery ticket! (The hens would chafe it and win.) Colonel Sanders had a real product to sell. One AM radio star in the heat he loaded a few supplies in his rusty old finmobile and set out to sell his idea to luncheons with fins. It was a real struggle to find anyone who would listen. While eye wear they wore in the 1960's had loud horns, in just years and he was a millionaire and the owner of Kentucky Fried Chicken a franchised restaurant. In Chinese they had a trouble with the translation of the trademark when selling Kentucky Fried Chicken, Finger Licken Good" Was translated "Eat Your Hands Off"! In the 2000s they are going from hydrogenated fats to soybean oil at Colonel Sanders, this makes me wonder, "Why did the hydrogenated hen cross the road?" Eggsersize!

18 Wheeler Cyber Superhighway

John and and Effie Taylor of Magnolia Springs Tennessee design and build trucks both for a living and to be heros who dream in the air going up the superhighway while the other is at the wheel. Jo and Effie build large custom trucks for people who would rather do without another picture of hounds playing whist for Xmas again this month. All the machines they build are called the All Wheel Droves. In 1983 (not my phone bill, my brain's area code!) John and Effie decided to build just a machine like they should be. They soon were building trucks for others in "droves" with power mills of ethanol. They believe their trucks and many others are the Rolls Royce of 18 wheels. These boom boxes they build with attitude-(always a humerous comical attitude!) They build more where they live- (in seminervana)! The All Wheel Droves are built calmly so the client's collection plates are worth it. The worth is high, the value is higher. You'll wait on the list for over two months of semis if you decide to buy one of their trucks (If you see Mrs Santa in church say hi to her for me!) Each customized machine is built to the owners whim, they are built to go with power- may the force be with you. John says he wouldn't be suprised if one of them runs a million miles-the information superhighway is 100% up! The Drove comes with a durable deisel and horses range from 160 to 220. Each customer can design his own zoom room. The body is hand cut fiberglass so it's cheaper to run than metal body 18 wheelers, the steel frame is bolted in one unit, so no need for rivets or welding. John thinks of quantity time watching TV with the kids but more of his wife. John says with pride, "We don't sell our machines in "Droves"-people buy them more!" Can you think of something you'd like to build? Build it better than mess production and you'll have all the business you'd like. If you'd like being a Phd, this is the Market for you! You can run ads on the web and soon be able to retire.
They have the diet pill made of mouthwash, toothpaste, and lime scent. By the time you're finished you've exercised 1000 hours!

Making perhaps 100,000$ a month is like archeology- to be wealthy many of the rich were calm and collected! If you'd like to have rest of riches without itches, flea markets may be for you, you'll sell all the fleas and be higher priced than old 33 rpms. For anyone who likes to sell, or who just has 20 bucks to run ads in the paper and a bit of sweat this may boost their life path to apogee! Building plywood booths at a rented lot is as cheap as an old drive in movie and You're on Broadway in 24 hours! The going rate around most cities of 100,000 is perhaps 20 a day per booth you rent, so if you have 1000 booths you may make 10,000 a day. You may hire employees to watch your site if your operation is big. To prove the money is being made call you local flea market in a medium sized city and ask how much they make, the market near here makes about 200,000. Some big BIG operations are even selling concessions. It won't cost "lots", just for a bit of rent, a small ad, and plywood (no map of the GPS office needed!). Research any business plan before you start. This may take a bit of sales in your area. You may hire others to promote you about this.

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Just 25$ for my complete moneymaking program!

Thursday, January 01, 2004

How to Get Rich Finding And Reselling Business For Mail Order Catalogs to Sell For You

Your Favorite High Volume Business Sites Online, Remember all those great deals you got from some of the mail order memos, look your old neighbors up on the web. Just as with mail order in ye old colonial days before the web one good way to find the best values is to read lots of business memos so you're up on the best new products and what you love most to save up with by subscribing on their email business mailing lists, the mail order catalog replacement for the 21st century. It's good to find the best values for the price of all and then try to pass your find to the rest of the world at a bit higher price. You can search all sorts of trade shows or the other resources for the higher broad altars of biz booms.

Find some online businesses with somewhat higher prices and call the sales rep and ask to talk to the catalog buyer. Ask her how business is and tell them about some of the great values. Anything you think would be a great gift, e.g.I saw the other day you can now buy video TV with two machines it costs no fees to use, you wire up to your TV and give the other box to your mom or anyone you want to call, for just 50 and no more. Buyers may say thanks for a wow like this helping he or she do well with the business. If you're an inventor, all the better, because the law allows you don't need a patent to own the rights if you're the inventor and so you own the rights and sell it yourself or you can get someone to make and sell it for you, often saving you the thousands and years of wait for your invention to make you money by the usual process of patent. Call up several buyers in your most witty and kind demeanor and for all of them say thanks, you want to establish an ongoing business family, live, and well and rich, what a sweet hug.

Of these buyers send memos with more bright ideas and a noncompete form. This form, easy to print out from legal sites says they agree not to bypass you and sell your find without your permission. One type of noncompete form says, they agree not to do business in competetion with you in a 500 mile radius of where they are.

Continue to send in your findss with URL and other info you hope for them to sell. You want to impress them with the watch dog who says click clock and other inventions! Try to build up your image. These opportunities may be precious and not so numerous, so remember to be generous and kind because if you don't win the favor of the business, you may never have another chance. Prayer and reading lots of catalogs before you send in your submissions are of worth. If you're not more than sure enough before you send in your memo, build up so you're more sure first.

Say you send in 100 favorites. You have great potential to be rich here because if you are approved for even 1 you may retire rich, and you can repeat your hopeful memos as often as you like. If just one of your finds is worth 10,000 a year, each item you send may be worth perhaps 100 dollars. In other words you've found with this plan to how make 300 dollars an hour for each 3 ideas you send in. You may not be rich even in 3 years, but sooner or later like a christmas storm, weather maps you read may be light reading! Life is patient, and life seems rich. Don't quit your day job while you wait, and then with say an hour or two a month you may start life in Malibu and while you dream of a bright christmas, and hope your world always will be.