How to Get Rich Finding And Reselling Business For Mail Order Catalogs to Sell For You
Your Favorite High Volume Business Sites Online, Remember all those great deals you got from some of the mail order memos, look your old neighbors up on the web. Just as with mail order in ye old colonial days before the web one good way to find the best values is to read lots of business memos so you're up on the best new products and what you love most to save up with by subscribing on their email business mailing lists, the mail order catalog replacement for the 21st century. It's good to find the best values for the price of all and then try to pass your find to the rest of the world at a bit higher price. You can search all sorts of trade shows or the other resources for the higher broad altars of biz booms.
Find some online businesses with somewhat higher prices and call the sales rep and ask to talk to the catalog buyer. Ask her how business is and tell them about some of the great values. Anything you think would be a great gift, e.g.I saw the other day you can now buy video TV with two machines it costs no fees to use, you wire up to your TV and give the other box to your mom or anyone you want to call, for just 50 and no more. Buyers may say thanks for a wow like this helping he or she do well with the business. If you're an inventor, all the better, because the law allows you don't need a patent to own the rights if you're the inventor and so you own the rights and sell it yourself or you can get someone to make and sell it for you, often saving you the thousands and years of wait for your invention to make you money by the usual process of patent. Call up several buyers in your most witty and kind demeanor and for all of them say thanks, you want to establish an ongoing business family, live, and well and rich, what a sweet hug.
Of these buyers send memos with more bright ideas and a noncompete form. This form, easy to print out from legal sites says they agree not to bypass you and sell your find without your permission. One type of noncompete form says, they agree not to do business in competetion with you in a 500 mile radius of where they are.
Continue to send in your findss with URL and other info you hope for them to sell. You want to impress them with the watch dog who says click clock and other inventions! Try to build up your image. These opportunities may be precious and not so numerous, so remember to be generous and kind because if you don't win the favor of the business, you may never have another chance. Prayer and reading lots of catalogs before you send in your submissions are of worth. If you're not more than sure enough before you send in your memo, build up so you're more sure first.
Say you send in 100 favorites. You have great potential to be rich here because if you are approved for even 1 you may retire rich, and you can repeat your hopeful memos as often as you like. If just one of your finds is worth 10,000 a year, each item you send may be worth perhaps 100 dollars. In other words you've found with this plan to how make 300 dollars an hour for each 3 ideas you send in. You may not be rich even in 3 years, but sooner or later like a christmas storm, weather maps you read may be light reading! Life is patient, and life seems rich. Don't quit your day job while you wait, and then with say an hour or two a month you may start life in Malibu and while you dream of a bright christmas, and hope your world always will be.