Rich Rich's Almanac!
Wednesday, February 09, 2022
DISCLAIMER; The following is not financial advice... Any financial event involves at least some risk, and only some of these ideas may work for you, or none, Here I'm not selling anything and this site is for information or entertainment purposes only, so thanks for respecting my rights here...
My Intuition... a business plan that some might or might not find useful.
I've had lots in my life I've learned. Science, writing when I was a child, math, music, art inventions, comedy even chess, learning how to take care of my health, keeping my house clean, staying fit, inventions, comedy and rhetoric, and languages.
All these skills had more in common than I was aware of!
It's been found if you learn one type of skill like in college, it makes you better able to learn others without even much more labor (college may help, you never know!).
This reminds me of a book about angels that my sister gave me, I don't know if she's a nun but she's an angel!
In the book about angels they talk about how angels have these angel universities, and they offer guidance warning, and encouragement.
And in this book by the beautiful lady Claire Luce Prophet (she married a prophet) she talks about how angels came to her and told her about how they have angel universities around the world like ones in Fatima Portugal and another is in Utah, these are their centers of activity.
And she says somewhat comically that if you pray at night you are actually going to visit those universities where they will help you learn all types of skills while you sleep!
There's actually some science behind this as there often are in beautious truths.
A wrist sensor is used at the sleep lab
while the sleep learner is falling asleep. It senses brain wave events while they are halfway asleep (My brain waves are aware even when I'm awake) and then the machine plays a recording of words like say beer, or business, and this makes them dream more about those words.
More particularly about boozness, alcoholics when they go to sleep actually learn bad words while other people are learning words that heal them overnight.
I think this is one reason to respect the power of positivity.
If you don't sleep well you might be learning who knows what while you sleep and "not from the angels". Of course sleep is a gift like memory and it's not to be judged. (By the way if you have insomnia passion flower the herb may be helpful because it's a CNS soother and considered perfect for shutting down the insomnia talk show many people get these days.
Unlike melatonin which has been used by millions it doesn't lower blood sugar too low and it has few side effects. I've been using it for 10 years although not while asleep! And unlike an herb like valerian which is known to cause liver problems I've never had any side effects with passionflower. Even so you use this site at your own risk.)
And you say, right, this is a business site, what does all this about sleep have to do with business?
Well all those talents that I found in a lifetime of yarns and sleep all had one thing in common, 5 events that make up the worth of each and an eureka moment...
All those talents took basically about five tricks or talents combined to make the event of worth.
And like going to sleep at night and learning about learning you also may be learning about "how to be financial."
The more virtues you have the more you tend to have and also about talents.
When you think about it this makes sense... we can recognize a talent because it's more complex than most can do and yet if it was too complex no achiever would, achieve.
And not only this all those gifts have a lot in common with each other.
And if you have your own talents like most people have, making money may be just another event, and you've been learning about it all your life without even knowing it. For example there's no math part of our brain. Evolution has just taken the general brain areas for other use and repurposed them for math (for me it hasn't yet, even so I've earned and multiplied my best side shows!)
It might seem making money is not so complex but rather a question of finding those events that are most effective (and of course good luck) and making use of these, especially if the events tend to be related to others.
Einstein said there's evidence of deeper truths all around us, so in a way this is good news for those who want to be rich, all around us in the skills we learn there may also be ways to be rich.
One other thing I notice is often I had a time in my life when I had an epiphany and realize my life has been changed by the event, it may look the same externally but now you've received the PhD Pa's help and donations, and more!
And here is what I found that may not work for you, or anyone "like a millionaire"! but here is one possible financial future..
A possible way is to invest in crypto coins, bullion, and collectible coins combined with knowledge of trading.
One important thing that a lot of people want to know how to do is how to get in to trading like commodities without a high investment and less risk perhaps than something like crypto.
Who has even $300 a month to invest?
Lets say like many you have $100 a month..
One possibility is to invest in cryptocurrency like Bitcoin or dogecoin which are going up 600% per year.
PayPal now has an option of investing in crypto.
One problem with PayPal though is that they don't yet allow Shiba Inu which is the alt coin that was going up like 10 million percent in August.
This may have already come and gone mostly because Shiba Inu and other alt currencies like this don't have enough money in the economy to support them for another rise to anywhere near that level and some others like ether or dogecoin are considered to be more stable and mature investments.
I found out about Shibu Inu when the store manager who lives near the store! sez he's invested money in Shiba Inu and made $5,000 over the summer. Elon Musk supposedly owns a lot of dogecoin and he would watch the social media where Musk would post hints or cartoons about it and it would go up a lot. The dow genius was dogecoin.
Crypto has its crypto critics. Warren Buffett says crypto is probably rat poison, squared, "yet so is green cheese, and the moon is round!" "
He says why invest in what you don't know how it works, and don't know what it is, and the store manager says to me I know why! Because he doesn't know what he's talking about! Yes store managers know most! Coincidence, I think not!
I said to the manager before he said this, I have such good typing reflexes! "We know it works like the blockchain and we know this works by way of Wikipedia and we know a lot of people are making money doing it."
I went back to the store to thank the manager the next day as soon as I could and the lady who works there I've known 20 years told me the manager had retired and I didn't get to thank him like I hoped I could have for telling us about Shibu Inu, even so if he's just retiring rich, I assume he'll be all right!
Here I want to say one other important thing about crypto before I go on, and that is crypto is not crypto per se at least Bitcoin isn't because all it is is a coin added to the blockchain.. the blockchain is the value.
But there's more here because what Warren Buffett was really objecting to I think was he didn't understand how crypto works or just that it works.
Warren Buffett has objected to the net stocks before because he says you can't see where they're getting their money from.
And this is common sense... Some believe that crypto sooner or later won't be the next big thing and it'll just fizzle out, this is what the history of financial bubbles have been about.
This is why Bitcoin might not be a worthwhile long-term investment.
Another reason to believe that Bitcoin may not last forever is about quantum computers which may be millions of times faster in a few years and this will change how the codes are mined on Bitcoin and how the security is achieved.
There have been new methods of improving the security of quantum computers using a matrix and each edge has one degree of freedom so that it has 80,000 degrees of freedom (like x y and z in algebra) and if you put a random dot somewhere for the code inside of this box with 80,000 sides, a quantum computer doesn't make it to the first digit of calculating the code to solve it.
So it's believed that quantum computers are going to be sound even while Google is sending an urgent message to Congress to install quantum security measures right away this month.
So you want to be watching this in the news if you're involved with Bitcoin.
Even so right away! the Bitcoin rave shows no sign of fizzeling out soon, and it's already out cashed any other financial vehicle.
Many say we should invest in the blockchain instead of Bitcoin because the coin is only an add-on and this would be one of the things Buffet was cautious about.
And this is a real definite truth. It's value not mania that makes VISA, VISA la France, why leave your hot dish in the AC without it!
As I'll discuss below one great investment trick might be to find apps that are based on like the blockchain but that offer more possible value and yet they are way under priced because they're just getting started.
More particularly I've been involved with an app called TV2, also discussed below..
(If you bought $100 worth of the TV Two (TTV) coin now , if it's possibly valuable for reasons I'll discuss below, you could buy 10 million and if it goes up to a dollar you made $10 million dollars.)
So you can invest in crypto and apps. What else can you do with $100 a month?
You might or may not start buying bullion or rare and collectible coins. Many of these are appreciating at 30-50% per year, far more than a bank account.
One downside of owning real bullion collectible coins is that while they can't be hacked they can be stolen.
It's not safe to store a large amount of gold coins in your house (As I'm not. I never carry more than a 20$ pizza with me wherever I go!) because you can't even ensure it because it's more probable someone will find out while you're applying for the insurance for example, increasing your risk of robbery and you can't replace it.
Other than for reduced levels of gold or silver or other metals or commodities unless you want a train load of salt substitute so McDonald's can save on hi res defibullators, you would probably be wisest to store your commodities with multiple facilities offshore. Banks are not considered to be secure and they may be the first to go down if the economy does.
Even so the money for the value of it while not guaranteed may help you buy the security.
Unlike gambling, which investments of these type are not so much because by building the value of a company you both win, or with gambling where the house wins or you lose.. you can exit the trade anytime.
And also more unlike gambling, investment can give you dividends.. which are regular payments, while gambling has little social value.
Just as bad the house always has a slight probabilistic value and over time there's no way you can beat it without being really really careful.
So investing seems to be much more relaxing and healthy.
If the best defense is living well I will save more in my will I may urn!
Stop losses (a sort of no cost financial insurance you get when you sign up with a trading platform) are even more valuable as I'll say below to perhaps multiply up your wealth.
This in the stock market is how most of the 11 million millionaires in the USA got their wealth.
While in the long run a steady stream of residual money of interest on interest as Einstein said is the greatest force in the cosmos, the more you make if you're starting out for example, the more you may make more easily as you go...
For higher paying startup money as I say you might consider telephone surveys or mystery shopping.
If you're like many people and the cell phone is straining your eyes (WebMD says myopia is dramatically on the rise) you might want to search for sites with contact information that let you take surveys by phone. This would seem to be a fast way to make more money. And it would enable you to do other things like clean your house or exercise while you take the survey..
(If you find you spend your life on hold more often, I use a count to four method. While I'm on hold I put the phone down away from my ear and count to four then listen again count to four this way I can know if it's time to wake up and yet not have to listen so much to the ad! This is good for annoying "spots" WOOF! )
These surveys often pay hundreds of dollars an hour and usually they don't require credentials. They just value your opinion..
You gotta be you and exercise has gotta be Visa and exercise our business rights, and businesses want to know what you and the relatives say about what.
You might even consider asking your relatives about phone surveys (they're not asking what they hope you'll find out, you realize you want more optimization!) these have the advantage over internet surveys in that they don't have the computer tangle problem.
Suppose your wife agrees to give you a percentage of what she makes doing the phone surveys or mystery shopping.
If she's making $100,000 a year and gives you 20,000 of it, one possibility is to get more neighbors and relatives to agree and if you have five people each paying you $20,000 you make $100,000 a year useful for other financial events as above.
This is one reason that it's good to be nice because here you get your relatives or neighbors to agree to pay you because you've helped them find that $100,000 dollars.
One important consideration here is that some of them may object for security reasons, and they don't want to give away their name so you'd want to find ways to increase their security like buying them a landline and taking out something like perhaps identity theft insurance, or paying an expert with some of the money you make to ensure their security this might make it easier to sell them on this type of event.
If you multiply this up you might not want to so much ask your relatives as ask other named neighbors in this event, they each pay them $10,000 and you $10,000 so you might be looking at $250,000 a year just for being nice and knowing how.
Even so you want to ensure the pyramid doesn't go on indefinitely because you're running out of the money source. So you can think of a contract that you get your relatives or others to sign saying that they agree not to multiply the pyramid more, and the money you get from the surveys will give you enough to pay the lawyer to set up this contract.
This idea of combining the phone survey money method with a sort of cut off pyramid is one example of what Stuart Kime, author of the book I'll be discussing more here about called "The Greatest Money Making Secrets in America" recommends in his can combine these methods in different ways hopefully for more value.
A lot of people would wonder where to get that extra $300 a month to invest. If you talk to most people and you ask them do you have an extra $300? Well why the heck, may heaven be refreshed!
One possibility is to use apps that pay you for doing things you would do already or maybe not so often which you might like to try.
For example the Sweatcoin app as I say pays you for walking steps (not much and I must be fit how is would I be aware!) you can "cash in" in your cash shoes and the Sweatcoin app lets you you convert to Ether- or, other crypto. Or to PayPal if you like.
Some apps seemingly pay quite high for doing things like solving problems or taking surveys. Others pay you to meditate and sleep or log your meals. Some like the Rover app pay you to walk dogs or do dog sitting for more value and other apps pay to do jobs like setting up a TV or planting flowers around your town.
Other such so called GPT apps pay you if you like grocery shopping (shopping is good for health science has found, or is it just having lots of wealth, right..) and you may not even need a car if you accept the "in store shopper" option. Exercise a right to eat and the owner of the dish will never be hungry with this business!
Apps like TV Two pay you to watch Youtube videos and the value directly goes where your crypto wallet is, which they show you how to set up on the app. This can put hundreds of dollars a year into your crypto account. You don't even have to sign up, it simply links to your phone by your Google account. Even so I would recommend only one cell phone for business only when investing money as I say because you simplify the connection so it's more difficult for hackers to get in like if you're "wondering" around the web on your other cell phone, and you "wonder" why the heck am I doing this?
The TV2 app is an established business and they've partnered with YouTube, also with with major players like The Red Cross, the Sierra Club (ecology), The American Cancer Society and others like the Turbo app that offer millions of points just for signing up and hundreds of other offers within the app. These profits go in crypto without even having to sign up other than with the secondary venues.
While watching videos may earn you a dollar a day in crypto, especially when combined with other apps like Sweatcoin to keep you fit so when you get your payoff (" Say in a few years I'm rich is rich! is what I hope I might say!") you also want to be so healthy your celebration is real with leading celebration signs on the starry highway on up. In the long run as they say on the TV2 app, you can increase your cash hundreds of times by signing up with these offers like this.. this is much easier than watching hours of videos a day for just a buck. And it's not much cheaper, right you're worth it!
he real money to be made though may be just by waiting for the coins like for sweat coin or TV Two go up, or by buying the coins now while they're cheap, and selling them later since they are with what I think of as a real catchy event.. who wouldn't want to get paid $300 a day for watching videos!
While I made a bit of money with Sweatcoin, The app crashed in about a month although it maintained my Sweatcoins at the same number.
I've been offline for several weeks with that phone to time it out so I don't know if I'll get my connection back when I go back online with it.
PS: "Yes It did go back online when I Returned" I recommend connection with the internet for this at least once a week.
One ruse I used that works quite well is use of the app block app that times out all your browsers on your phone so the overuse tendency is much reduced even while you can keep your most valuable apps you like running like this with the internet connection.
Sweat coins still seem a possible way to be reminded to stay more fit.
There are people who are saying that you should not have anything to do with the TV Two app but I think it has potential in truth if you earn a lot of coins now and it goes up to $14,000 for those coins that you can earn in like a week, you may profit more. And you get all these cool YouTube videos to watch so it's a stimulant to your conversational real!
If you watch TV Two much it's rewind and you're on the web, a sort of anti TV, the web seems wilder yet it also might have more potential.
Edison thought of the internet but he didn't really think as much of shows he could watch like I Love Lucy 50 years ahead it's just how amazing the rewind of the TV web is, 50 years ago is 50 years ahead!
TV2 to me seems to be an app with a brilliant concept.
You watch videos for crypto paid for by the advertising and you can do other activities like sign up with established businesses to get lots of points.
To me the idea, the power here, is about how the coins of the site called TTV coins may go way up (they already had been) because while the coins started way high up at 20 cents they're now down to .00001 cent.
This might seem bad except the site hasn't quit selling TTV coins, the site is still up and running.
If you do this about crypto you want to find the apps that also time and give you the notification when the coin has gone to a certain level you want to sell or buy at. These notification apps work for thousands of coins not just Bitcoin.
Some of these apps call you and leave a message on your answering machine for 5$ a month. This seems the best to me for my situation, yours may be another.
Here are some aspects of TV Two that might make me inerested buying a whole lot of TV two coins cheap.
#First who wouldn't want to watch a video for 8 minutes and receive $5. ( or with sweatcoin who wouldn't want to walk 10,000 steps a day just walking around the store in the usual business and earn an extra $10 a day. Even so this is the maximum l'd be willing to make with Sweatcoin since above 10,000 steps it's been found to not be as healthy. Not as good as $5 a video might be but a considerable value.)
As I say like with flea markets the big money is not in renting out booths to sell stuff all day on the site, or for a site like TV Two The money may not be in watching videos but rather by controlling the general setup as with buying coins for TV Two and hoping they go up or owning the flea market business.
If the coins go up a lot this may become a reality.
It's a win for the customer it's a win for the advertisers and it's a win for the creators of the videos and other content, WWW.golden!
To me this seems like what YouTube was like back in the day when you could buy it real cheap except it's got more value because unlike YouTube the viewer gets paid, not just the creators and YouTube.
#Second, the TV2 app may be having some technical events and to me this is completely understandable, "somewhere I'd heard this about the internet".
#YouTube and the other advertisers and content promoters haven't abandoned this app.
#One reason I like the TV Two app is because it hasn't got a whole lot of gambling on it which is addictive and a lot of people would find it to be hazardous and it could ruin their lives.
#Even so a lot of people would like to make $350 a day just watching videos, comparable to what some lottery winners earn.
#And at this point it seems real cheap to get in, at .00001 cent per coin $50 currently can buy you 5 million coins.
Consider that the TV2 app coins had already been at 20 cents each before. So that $50 might be worth $1 million in a relatively whileworth event!
And that's only if it goes to 20 cents and if it goes higher you might get more than a million dollars.
This seems to be like buying a restaurant cheap and then instead of doing all the the work for resale value, the owners of the app or the restaurant do all the work for you, sales and PR of sales, and value!
The real event here may be that it's a more valuable product than other products like YouTube.
While there are sites you can find "selling sweatcoins without the sweat" I don't yet know if you can do this with the TV Two TTV coins.
If I can't find a site selling them outright, the best thing might be to load an app like perhaps from coin gekko or coinbase and watch when your app coin is first listed (and or use the notification app) then buy it before it goes up....
.... Buying coins like TTV when they first go online might still give you a lot of value perhaps even if not yet as cheap as you could buy it now if you can buy it.
I have seen some sites that show you how you can actually buy TTV coins now even while the coin is offline..
TV Two's advantage is that it's involved with lots of cash or potential cash at any rate.
(Right now Sweatcoin like TV Two are not on exchanges like coin base or sites like coingekko,
PS; Actually I think sweat coin is on now online! Even so I don't know if it'll remain. A wallet I use is trust wallet, and it does list TV two while you can't buy it yet. One consideration about Trustwallet is that it's based in Estonia so if there's evidence the Russians might take over Estonia you might lose all your money but this is just over many years perhaps and buyers might have since made a lot of money.)
So basically TV Two seems to be merely down for repairs and so it seems will be back online also with their coin.
This may be especially good for the poor because the government won't let them save more than $2,000. And the limits they can earn per month is just 1420$
For the poor a method might possibly be to earn more by first saving or investing up to $1,500 (and make sure with the notifications that it goes no higher each month so they don't lose SSI) and then putting this into a more unknown crypto with the stops set so that it enters the market when set at a reasonably low price for a good deal say 50 cents for the Optimist coin or several other coins I've seen that have gone up much faster than Bitcoin in the last few months or years.
Do you know how much potato chips cost? More than the store charges! For more about how to invest in crypto with SSI and how to save at least 60$/week by eating right, staying healthy and making your own food with a timer pressure cooker just toss in the pot and find a pot of more cash! See my other post about this or Click Here.
This is only a hypothetical plan that the poor might be willing to take the risk of but it would be somewhat risky as you see and if you happen to be poor the decision is up to you..
If so, or you just want to simply be rich... you could try this perhaps or you might buy 10 million TTV coins and they're still only worth $100 for a while and then suddenly collecting hundreds of thousands a month is possible and this could enrich a lot of people.
Crypto has already made 10,000 millionaires.
The best thing might be about how since these two apps, TV Two and Sweatcoin seem to be with opportunity while only for the time being presumably, there may be more.
I only found these two apps by trying two or three apps, perhaps I just have beginners bad luck! Even so I'd say chances are more of these apps with possible turnaround value are around maybe in the app store.
You might want to search GPT apps with coins In the App Store and try out the apps in hopes of finding more like this with value.
This may be good news as I say because in another plan you could take your $300 and hope to find four or five of these apps with coins that aren't yet up and running, with your chance of making millions with each.
You probably won't win them all and some or most of them won't go that high and disappear, but the rest might be worthwhile.
So in other words, if you can find apps like this with good turnaround value and buy into them really cheap, your chance of becoming wealthy may augment. And it may be higher if you buy more of these cheap apps with hopeful good turnaround value. Of course if you already have a lot of money this may be a good side hustle strategy to make more.
If you like with your money or the money you make you can hire a team to search for these apps for you, and also you might work with a team you would hire to monitor the apps to see just when the coin is listed on the exchanges, and then you just pay in and hope to watch it go up or for your search team for new apps with good turnaround. To buy the coins you might invest a couple of thousand dollars to get 50 chances to win millions without even having to wait for the coin to be listed, if you find apps like the TV Two app, or Sweatcoin where people are selling it on sites online already as a potential investment.. Perhaps more probable than winning the lottery...
Even so these opportunities will be special, each one may never repeat again, and sooner or later it seems the whole crypto phenomenon will be saturated.. and the chances of doing this repeatedly as with the chances of winning with stocks in the old days would be relatively higher but after the advent of the computers most individuals were not able to profit so much.
I want to note here that Ross Perot the billionaire who got rich in medical claims processing in the 50s would always say that you make more money and you invest more money and then you make more money.
This is a fundamental principle of all the gifts I've had, you're really learning how to be an active investor in almost any gift.
One good way to add more security to your investment is to use stop losses as I'll discuss below.
More particularly the rich think not of money is something to spend but something they multiply over and over making it grow and grow.
Having a residual stream of money like gold prophet as it hopefully goes up in value as it usually has can be a much easier way to earn more money.
I think this is the reason why the rich in rich neighborhoods don't go to the celebrations of the new lottery winners who moved in because other science shows that 3/4 of lottery winners spend or lose all their money within 5 years.
So really we would say one distinction between the rich and others is that the rich know how to manage their money.
For example I read about the lottery winning lady who won a whole lot of money in her state and all her relatives with bad habits were hitting her up for the money and she was losing more and more of it and she was sued by her preacher for emotional harm and he didn't even talk to her one time when he was in the house among all the other people who were in her house, and she tried to be so charitable and generous and kind and it ended in an uproar at any rate in a sort of money implosion...
Research shows that thinking about the future is good for your health so here I recommend if you want to be rich like the 11 million millionaires in the US, you want to plan ahead for this possibility as a real possibility although not so real that it's not without risk..
If I do get rich I want to therefore not give money out but rather give a lot to charity.
I read about another lottery winner who won 57 million and said her relatives were like sponges that come to absorb all the money out of her when they visit.
(As I'll say on my link further on this post, conversational distractions like this are costing the economy 57% of its money, so I'll show you some ways to much reduce this to save you more on if you like)
And other research finds, when a person actually even wins the lottery, in a few more years they're back to feeling as usual.
So even if you want to be rich you would want to be able to tell people who ask that you're giving to charity and you can't just throw money around or you'll lose it.
Another good reason I give to charity is because research shows, your brain thinks of what you own as an augmentation of who you are, and above 75,000 a year money doesn't buy you any more health or pleasure in living.
This makes sense if what you own adds on so if you own too much It starts to become clunky and weighs you down.
In other words too much ownership isn't paradise but rather it's headed in the direction of paradise.. Beyond $75,000 may not have not as much definite value.
This means there's an optimal level of value about money.. this is what we learn in the evolution of behavior, there's always one move in events with strategy where you maximize your value and minimize cost.
Even so if under 75,000 a year you're just as needy as the rich..and are famous as your feline on social media!
And 75,000 a year can buy you reduced influence of unhealthy criticisers if you have some.. this can be done by reducing their proximity and I think this reduction of the proximity is one important reason why the rich are getting richer and the poor are poorer. The criticism that's going on often doesn't have as much value as older more constructive criticism. You may want to both be generous and also remove the criticizers proximity to the 75,000 level but only that much. Since the deeper truths are around and I don't know all the cosmos and hopefully can learn more, healthy constructive criticism helps free the movable fat from the mind!
While making more money may remove more of the influence of unhealthy bosses, landlords or even neighbors with loud stereos or loud sounds in general, strength is a value also because you're getting exercise, and I don't want too much relaxation either.
Some want enough to pay off debt, and this itself seems a form of unhealthy criticism, like by debt collectors while those who live with noise have actual physical harm to their health by living by the airport.
In a way lack of money involves different types of criticism that you wouldn't have if you have more wealth, and money buys increased efficiency. As in, you're living up to your maximum potential where otherwise you're not. Research has found that love is about efficiency and if efficiency is about love, money really can buy you more love or more resources up to 75,000!
As I'll say on my link at the end of the page I believe the main source of all this criticism is increased competition for decreased resources by way of overcrowding.
The overcrowding is related to noise, and even with dogs and cats the further in the city they live the more overweight they tend to be.
These days more and more only the wealthy can afford peace and quiet, and this can heal the brain in a profound way.
So overcrowding would be the main reason that the rich are flourishing these days mostly while the poor are not doing so well..
So as money is more scarce it's becoming more valuable and being able to find sources of profit becomes more valuable too like to reduce debt.
As I say on another link which you will see at the bottom of the page and also here, if you like to click at hyperlink speed
..... I'll show you how to reduce stress from sources like lawn mowers or trucks and also how to reduce a lot of the criticism that you may otherwise have to listen to that may essentially be causing the debt.
For example I found special ear stops that I tie around my shoulders so I'm never without them like when Fido Wows! and also special ear wax that I searched for several years to find that really works for better than R36 noise reduction the best that other money can't buy but much cheaper, lightweight etc..
Current AN headphones just don't work for speech cancellation (those Boses? Insulation is all you get for hundreds for speech) and so here I'll show you how to also do this like about the lady who won the lottery and her relatives are interested in cash absorption!
On the link I'll show you what I think the future of this type of audio AR event will be and that is, not only stopping the sound you might not want to be stressed by, but also by replacing the words that others say that you might not want to listen as much to, they sometimes have bad events, and you may want ways to more reliably accentuate the positive about.
I found this helps a lot with weight loss because after all if the noise with the dogs and cats is causing them to gain weight in urban events we want to be able to cancel this..
And I believe this could also help a lot with debt, if conversational distractions as they are caused by the overcrowding itself are causing so much loss of business..
In his book The Greatest Money-making Secrets in America the author, Stuart Kime says it may be more profitable to rent your house than to own it and that it may be wise to learn how to grow your own vegetables in the garden, etc. for sufficiency about money. This is a great book and I'll be discussing it more here...
If you rent a house, noise can sometimes be a problem and this is essentially a way to increase the real estate value where you're living just by removing most of the noise.
I found this out years ago when they started doing a construction project next door for a year and all that year I was uncomfortable, but these more advanced methods I found as I say on the link are enough to reduce almost all of this for more comfort like later on when they decided to pave the road with loud sounds, if this won't do it what will! So essentially by controlling noise you get paid more and it's easier to wait while you invest, buying you essentially time and money.
One good thing if you have a lot of money and you're living in a modest neighborhood like we read in Reader's Digest about the people who are neighbor millionaires but their neighbors don't suspect!...
If you have the cash to order out most of what you get like from eBay in the Amazon and the noise is not uncomfortable, as long as nobody robs you, and if like me you keep your money in the bank and storage, you can be rich essentially and not pay for all the noise and stuff in the city while still living in the urban area (which also has advantages like for example there are more patents issued there like by census) and saving money. This method of reducing noise and buying out could save you $100,000 on real estate if you rent instead of buy.
More about investing the $100 a month...
You can invest it in the coins which you can easily find from giant sites like Money Metals Exchange or Apmex or JD Bullion online.
These are AAA bbb approved businesses.
You can literally buy a commodity appreciating as fast as timber which is considered only for the rich that you can hold in your hand.
Experts say this is probably more secure for long term investment than crypto coins, while not as secure as index funds. Even so if there's a crash I think this won't be true.
What type of coins are valuable?
Here's where it gets interesting I think or you can combine more than one gift to multiply your money up faster, no I'm not talking about futures because my mom would say never do that because if you're in the chess competition with the chess machine, you'll see that if there's any way it might lose in one move in the competition it totally puts all its resources and time and energy it solving it so it doesn't lose out.
And I think futures trading where you buy on credit and you could lose $10,000 in 2 minutes with a market zap, or just a click with so many bad ones you could make, it's never worth risking.
I consider what are called futures or options or anything where buying on credit to be never what I'd want to do even if I opted in about some of the methods I discuss here.
So what type of coins are valuable. Good old gold is bold and it's slow and steady and also called an anti-currency.
This means "when money inflates or goes down gold goes up". Of course it's not as simple as this but it relates to the degree that gold is thought of as a safe haven.
Of like six downturns in the last 50 years of the stock market gold went up with it three times and down with it three times also.
Even so in general over the last 20 years at any rate gold slow and steady has been rising about 1% per month. More recently I find my gold is rising 8% per month.
I consider this to be the real truth about gold and I just ignore the short-term fluctuations over days since these mostly cancel out, while even so these maybe useful if you got involved with stop losses as I'll say more about...
It seems if you buy a lot of gold you could still make some money doing this by the 1% or even more. While less reliable than an index fund "where you buy all the winners so you automatically win" it may still have more safe haven value in the event of recession or depression.
And some would say it's easier to buy gold which essentially is what you can hold whereas if the stock market crashes you may lose it.
If the economy goes sour, and I believe it may as some have, gold may go up perhaps five times.
This could be comparable to what you could get from palladium coins up to this year.. palladium has had a long rally of 10% per month.
Palladium "has already come and gone" because of the rise of electric cars. It's value previously was by use in catalytic converters to stop pollution of cars powered by internal combustion engines.
It might be said that the end of one rally often may be the beginning of another, while this is often but not always so, if one option is decreased more may be around..
As palladium is being phased out, it's believed that silver is going to be in higher demand for solar and electric power, for the transportation machines left, and silver can't just be reused over and over, it wears out and the demand will be high for these machines so there may be a silver shortage coming.
Consider the 3 million dollar nickel or other even rare and more valuable older coins that are worth 20 or 30 million but it says right on there it's worth $0.05! All of it or more! Note that coins bought for collectible value (not just the gold or silver value) as you can buy on the large exchanges, you may pay higher upfront, it's also where you earn more or even a lot more in collectible value as they appreciate (most may not want to buy from smaller vendors like eBay supposedly 75% of them are counterfeit. Also note that seller's fees on eBay for coins are reduced from outrageous to exorbitant).
Silver is considered to be the most overmanipulated commodity and so nobody really knows what the real price of silver is and it's believed it may be higher with time.
And gold may be richer as it goes on.
I say this because the economy not doing well I consider to be not impossible because as I say on my link here
(Or see the same Link at the end of the post if you like)
... The evidence shows that overcrowding has caused Covid itself by people going into unknown areas with the bats, and people weren't with the bats naturally for millions of years, this is also changing supply and demand and this is because evolution is based on territory, the amount of resources per person or individual with a level that was established over billions of years of evolution.
So as the overpopulation continues to increase if we don't reduce it it's going to create more demand for resources like money and reduce supply, it's equivalent measure.
This means that commodities like gold may get scarce at any time and this is my belief about why gold may be a good investment for now.
I think of it as the end result of my money computations.
When I buy crypto I buy other coins like silver with the money earned to hope to make a large and more profit and then buy into gold which is safer and also maybe as profitable in the long run.
Gold coins are currently around $1700 each for an ounce but they're easy to carry small bits around like in your hat and nobody will know you're just thinking sharp as you look to see the dawn like the rich! Storing large amounts of gold near you or your house not recommended.
Some recommend storing your gold overseas in accounts where you can't be sued by people to take all your money with hopes of a lie for profit.
One possibility about these kinds of troubles may be, fMRIs or other truth sensors might be more possible to help defend the innocent from this type of fraudulent event, for now this is in the future though.
How can you make it from where "you are here" to a constant stream of income "there" by owning a collection of rare and collectible coins?
Obviously this is good to be with and it would seem that most people wouldn't be able to reach that level where they could buy say 10 gold coins and start collecting enough to live on almost, by some standards, or at least have enough extra money when needed or wanted without a lot of labor.
The idea here might be to buy cheaper investments yes like Bitcoin or dogecoin (or apps as above..) and wait and hope they go up and then use the extra income buy into the gold which is the richer more golden area of the math and relaxation.
But more particularly this could be a way in for people who otherwise wouldn't have it by doing the same method, not by spending money but by ways that you hope you can multiply your source of wealth over and over.
Another way to reach the silver gold mine maybe by using crypto with day trading.
You may say day trading, what's it worth most of them lose money..
And here's where another gift may be valuable, the gift of stop losses.
Stop losses work where you set your hopes for where the money will go like for Bitcoin and then you set two or three of these ranges a day. If the market reaches the low part of this range by going down then your trade begins where you hope it might go cheapest so perhaps you can get the best value before it rises but if it doesn't then go higher where you set it at the top of the range then the trade isn't completed... Stop losses are available on Coinbase pro. Coinbase is the largest and most recognized crypto trading platform online. Kraken pro is good to go for stop loss events it's the largest alt coin platform in the U.S.
Of course it mostly depends on the coin or other commodity going up you're trading, and for now it seems that crypto has potential.
If it goes up perhaps 20% beyond this as you might set it to the limit of the stop loss range, you've made money and if it doesn't you've lost nothing or so the investment advice dog it must be a rich dog picking better than stocks or financial advisors, would say!
This idea for trading Bitcoin or other cryptocurrencies may be particularly powerful because of what's called volatility for crypto. It often fluctuates by hundreds of dollars a minute.
You can look online and you'll see that a lot of people using stop losses with crypto are making several thousand dollars a day by trading 5,000 to 25,000...
Often experts considered day trading to be a losing event, and with crypto it might be special.
.. I've only read this about multiplying up the money on a few sites.
In truth this might be a more stressful way to get your money because the same experts (who know who they are, right!) say it's easier and more reliable just to buy a set of stocks which cover the range of the market's most hopeful values.
If you buy 20 stocks like this, you've probably brought some winners even if you don't even know what they are.
The average stock has only gone up 7% in 30 years while the stock market in general has gone up 2,000%.
I think it's possible at any rate that by trading interest on your interest in multiplying and multiplying up crypto you could literally get millions of dollars in a few months doing this if the luck was with you and the rest.
One reason I would never consider this by usual futures trading as I say is because you could lose $10,000 per minute.
But many cryptos are not buying on credit so the most you lose is whatever you were going to put into it and you don't have to put that large amount into it but perhaps make a lot of money with each trade.
If you do crypto you want to check to make sure that you only go to zero when it does in event of a possible crypto crash. This is one of the first things you should check when doing any cryptocurrency I don't know how many are so since I haven't tried them all yet!
As I say each investment has its own risk and crypto can be hacked, and as with the coins you wouldn't want to put all your money into crypto, certainly who needs a cheap financial SUV!
At first you may have to risk a higher percentage of your money If the crypto markets even hold up, but two or three loops and you might have a much smaller percentage of money you have to risk to get more..
Scientific research that's been done about stop losses shows they are of worth, and on the link below they say that use of a trick like a trailing stop loss combined with a strategy you like a momentum strategy has value. This is where you "buy all the winners for the last six months and sell all the lower paid ones"
If you set your stop losses for 20% (perhaps most optimal as seen on R and D) and wait for the stock or ETF or etc to go up and then time out your money into "safer" investments like t bills or perhaps gold for the rest of the month, you can completely avoid market crashes because the trade only starts when the market reaches the level you set your first part of the stop loss for.. and then if it goes down below where you're stopped off, the stop loss automatically stops it from going further.. for other research like this click here or see link at the end of the page; CLICK HERE
On the site it also says that the only strategys with stop losses that do no better than buy and hold strategy is the 5% level for the stop loss and this is only 1/4 of profit of the more optimal 20% stop that this particular research seems to recommend.
This makes sense because when you use buy and hold like ancient song sheets the sounds may go up, or the sounds may go down! And before crypto, buy and hold it seems, would only lend you what you had!
Even without stop losses if you look on crypto sites like Coinbase where it lists the ones who are buying and selling, crypto has 95% buyers and only 5% sellers even when it's recently had a large selloff here in 2022 as I write this.
More particularly I would think that crypto is the first opportunity where you could actually buy and hold and win without so much extra labor..
More to the point if you buy after the crash then all you might have to do to get more money each time is wait a year or two for it to rise back up and then cash in and just repeat it.
More recently after I wrote this when else I've seen that some cryptos have gone up in two or three months (Early July to mid August 2022 as I write this)from five cents to $2..
This is 40 times, much more than Bitcoin or Dogecoin...they rose and fell sooner and you may want events more with the unknown cryptos that are acting like this. The volatility of Bitcoin has steadily been reducing so the ones nobody is saavy about as much may have more value.
If you don't want to do stop losses you can still use the crypto notification apps to call you when you might think it's time to buy or sell.
I used an app called the coingecko app from the app store and this has charts for each coin you can click on and compare.
I also recommend writing a summary of these results so you can contrast before you decide how to invest your money if you want to invest in crypto, and for some of the time I really will because then I buy the gold in loops as I say.
You might be interested in earning money with crypto then buying most of it back into gold and then trying to repeat the loop over and over.
This is not winning the lottery but it gives your residual stream of income, which you might be able to multiply over and over, so you don't just waste it all after having invented the AC motor, like Tesla in poverty. (He would have been the world's first billionaire if he had been a good enough at business.)
This seems like a sort of combination of a mechanical and a more risky but potentially more profitable (random) event like crypto.
Even while it's buy and hold if you miss out on one opportunity like some experts say it's good to hold on to your investments like stocks and not panic if the market is "sort of sad" because it may reverse and you may get all your money back plus more as the market returns.
So too crypto with ups and downs over a period of months may allow more opportunities on the second loop to cash in even if you miss out while this also might take months more, and of course with no guarantees but also a more energizing life perhaps, and with no guarantees...
The possibility arises with this type of event where first you buy your gold or your silver where rare coins are appreciating at a rapid rate. Some coin sorters who buy rolls of coins for banks and search through them for rare finds, are making $100,000.
They say they might expect to go through 3 hours of coins a day to make $15,000 extra a year that "might be used" to invest in other coins perhaps like gold.
To get started with this you might want to look at the coins you get from the cashier.
You want to buy a book like the PCGS Redbook. PCGS is one of the top coin appraisal businesses. And if you look through this list you'll see that you might be going through $1,000 worth of coins each year. Since most auctions need to make at least $250 off the sale, one of the best ways to sell them after you found them is to contact your local coin dealer, or perhaps a jeweler. (Pawn shops don't pay enough.)
Silver collectible coins like so-called junk silver which have been named since the seventies with the '70s reblend audio, have sundry ways that can be profitable for basic startup to buy more Bitcoin or silver or whatever, or gold and continue hopefully upward to more wealth.
The silver itself in these coins has sometimes gone up 35 times at least two times as in 1980 and after the bust of 2008.
Copper has gone up hugely and while it may rise much higher because of the shortage, the government may eventually allow us to melt copper pennies.
While if you look at a chart of old mercury dimes, they seem to be appreciating perhaps 100% per year in numismatic or coin collecting value, it's not as simple as this and some of them have been going down recently.
While we read about some Mercury dimes selling for $70,000 on eBay and auctions which you can find online, there's really no guarantee of this.
More particularly if you're holding out for that 35 times increase of silver you may have to wait 30 years for the opportunity since this is how long it has been historically for silver to rise, and also it may be wise to wait till it goes back down to like $5 an ounce and no telling when it will do that if you were buying it only for the silver value.
While it's been noted that it would take 60 years to make as much money in the stock market as you would with crypto, collectible coins and gold and other commodities are not to be underrated. For example while recently security has been increasing for crypto, 40% of people doing crypto have lost their money because they lost the code.
Currently silver might be overbought, or undersold you might say because it may be at the top of its level, and essentially it's run out of buyers.
Even so it's gone down down to 17$ an ounce as it is now, so it's becoming what some would call a good buy.
This about market saturation is one of the main ideas why crypto won't go up forever since there's just not enough money for an infinite rally, all rallies sooner or later end.
Other opportunities may be available if you have a lot of different types of investments like gold or even copper which like other metals commodities are expected to do well as bullion.
Right now there's a strong copper shortage going and this may bring up the price a lot. Collectable copper coins, unlike Lincoln cents, are difficult to make so much so that collectible copper coins would need to have the price of copper go up to $60 a pound to make a profit and right now it's only at $4 or so a pound and like many investments it's a theoretical impossibility or perhaps not if we consider other options are just more viable.
Even so I've changed my mind about copper pennies as I'll say below, a cent for my wit or perhaps 100,000%.
Investing in silver junk coins has about five methods of making profit...
First as I say the silver bullion value has worth,
also you can find rare mint mark coins and buy those for their hopeful appreciation value.
You can also buy what are called key dates for their investment or appreciation value. Key dates are rare coins that fill in the blank in coin collectors collections..
like for Mercury dimes they're only four key dates you need to memorize, so I take my dimes and tape them with tape to a sheet inside a notebook (you can see through to both sides but it won't collapse, more about this and how to sort pennies below) and go through them year by year on a simple app called the coin checker app and find the mint mark like Philadelphia Denver or San Francisco D or S.
I use the PCGS Professional Coin Guarantee Service coin check app in Google Play, this app, used by professionals gives more data than other apps, including how fast it appreciates in price of the rare and common coins coins, and also high resolution pictures of most coins, so I find it quite easy to grade my coins.
Where has the price list on the upper right you'll see where it has some initials and one is JP and I thought my coins were worth a huge amount but really they're worth a lot but JP stands for Japanese yen.
I had no yen to go to The Orient so you want to click USD US dollars on this part of the app.
And once you know what to look for and you could have found it, call the coin dealer, jewler, or auction online and sell it for whatever you can.
A lot of people really aren't much into sales and while only one and five small businesses succeeds usually because of lack of funding I would also say this is often because of the lack of a gift for sales.
Thus you might want to take some of the "money you make and simply pay a professional to help you sell your coins".
For numismatic (collectible) coins you want to always check your market before you start to try to buy or sell them.
If you don't live near a coin dealer many of them won't accept submissions by post.
eBay also charges high fees for selling coins. Always carefully do research for any money-making opportunity..
Don't just save one website "save however many you need plus more."
One place you might sell your coins however is your local jeweler.
Rare mint marks are one way to make money where they printed another press over the coin like a 2 over 1 for some coins for the date.
Some other interesting finds are how Lincoln's ear is doubled on some cents and what's called a close AM where the letters of "America" are united in wealth I hope!
Coins with S instead of the "D Mark for Denver" which come from San Francisco are often 10 times more valuable and also more rare than the usual coins.
The Lincoln centennial 2009 cents are often worth $300 to $6,000 currently if you find them in reasonably good condition, MS 67-68.
When I first started sorting my sense, my common sense told me! First sort them before and after 1981 so the copper value is realized, this may be of worth if it ever became valuable and the government passes the law so they can be melted for copper.
Since the government has considered doing this a few times, this might seem possible.
As I remember I considered the types of coins I found in my first batch of cents.
For example in $40 worth of Lincoln pennies, I found one from 1917 was well worn only worth $2, two or 3 from the 40s perhaps eight from the 60s and more from the other times.
Within these I found one 1964 cent in pretty good condition worth perhaps $30 and many others worth about $10 or $15 each.
Also I found one Canadian cent in almost mint condition from 1964. I don't know what this is worth yet maybe a million dollars in a million years! But I plan to find out.
At any rate I started to wonder if I could just keep all my cents... it's pretty tough to know which coins are valuable or not.
You would have to look at your coins and strain your eyes just to find the coins before 1981.
.....As I note on my page about how you can reduce cell phone overuse, WebMD says vision problems like blurry vision are dramatically on the rise. I would think this mostly might have been caused by computer overuse, and you may find the link to my site valuable if you like, read on.
Here's the link.. or if you like you can see the same link at the bottom of the page..
As I looked and as I say, I noticed that the more recent Lincoln coins might be just as valuable if you wait 10 years and hope to resell them.
More particularly when you look at the price values of almost all the coins or most of them certainly the ones that are shiny and new are far more valuable usually than worn out coins.
So this can simplify your search.
So my strategy here is just look for the shiniest coins, and the good news seems that because in like $30 worth of coins you can often find at least one of these centennial 2009 cents and they're almost usually shiny, a simple method of sorting your coins might be to simply look for all the shiny ones and then see if those have the centennial cents among them.
Of my first batch of 4,000 coins I found the two centennial cents.
So this above may give you some idea of what you might find for what amount of coins you sort.
Even while tedious the good news may be, you can just buy the coins from the bank and sort through to find the bright coins in the batch and then resort to find the centennials.
If you just do this you may get the value of the bright coins in 10 years as I say with what might be a lot of appreciation.
But right away you might get the centennial cents and this may be more valuable because of possible changes in the market later where you might not be able to resell your other coins.
So this seems to be a simplified way to sort your coins if you don't want to cash in on all of them right away, find all the shiny ones including the old shiny ones if you can find them!
Go through these to find the centennials and then just try to sell those at auction or hire somebody to help you sell them. This strategy may dramatically reduce the amount of sorting you may have to do to get perhaps $1,000 a month.
One thing I note is this won't last forever about the easiest sorting to find the 2009 coins.
That's because they are still bright and so they're easier to find among the bright coins.
I remember I took a closer look at the centennial coins and at the highest values which turn out to be "easy to find" I'd say MS 66 to 68 there are some worth thousands.
Just in my first batch I found two of them One from the Professional Years of Lincoln, the one with him waving his arm on the In front of the building, and the presidential one has A nice picture of the capital being constructed with cranes and stuff.
If you go through coins a week and in a year you've got 2500 coins, chances are good you'll find one of these coins even in good condition or an MS 68.
The most expensive centennial you see in the PCGS app right now is worth thousands, so the profit here here is high sometimes outdoing even Shiba Inu which only made 10 million percent.
In addition, this can't be hacked and you don't have to hope that you can catch it just at the right time when you exit the trade after you made your money with crypto..
In 10 or 20 years they will have blended in with all the other coins and become more dented and they may be tougher to find, but by then you may have made a lot of money and you may have all the bright cents left to sell for the possibility of even higher value.
Another reason to do this as soon as you can if you want! is because it may not go on outdefinitely like many investment opportunities!
Banks may come up with sensors to find these coins and all the money.
Collectors may absorb them all up as soon as they can,
Or the market may be reduced for these opportunities, for example if they start mining asteroids for copper.
Below I'll tell you more about the book The Greatest Money-making Opportunities in America by Stewart Kime. Stewart says in his book that each coin will never be minted again and so you're really owning a piece of history, and they'll tend to go up in value with time.
One strategy I'm using is to sell my Centennials and then buy that into gold where I'm collecting a lot of money each month, but in addition for higher profits it may be valuable just to keep some of your Centennials and let them go up in value, they're sometimes or often worth more than one cent in copper, even so as I say the market may reduce so it seems more of worth to buy into gold, timber or other commodities.
Even if the asteroids are mined and your gold goes down in value rapidly, or for example Bitcoin Investors decide to half the value of Bitcoin since it's actually an artificial scarcity, money has a lot of power so you can just buy into something like timber or other crypto coins or of course you could buy into the asteroid mining stocks themselves, or perhaps technology stocks.
The power of money is not to be underestimated...
Of course you'll make more or perhaps much more if you find the rare cents like the double die obverse coins, but this may take more effort and squinting.
And as I said it may be wise for some to reinvest like in gold or other investments..
You may have heard of Gilligan's Island, the 60's comedy show where Marianne was played by Dawn Wells.. The other members of the cast set up their royalties by one time pay but Dawn Wells wisely looked at the contract carefully and bought into a long-term contract for the rest of her life.
If at least you can't multiply up your money somehow like the wealthy, you might want to buy into something like gold that may be not as risky as the stock market in general and will continue to pay perhaps for the rest of your life. This way your socks won't fall asleep even if stocks will!
My gold coins, in secure storage, are appreciating faster than I believed, they're actually been appreciating about 8% a month and I thought it was only 1%. This is way outdoing a lot of bank accounts with their generous offer of 1% per year.
One problem with cents is they are easy to ding so you want to handle them with care and not jostle them much.
Otherwise you may have an MS 68 coin like a cent that goes down 300% in value just by handling it.
You also may need subcontainers inside the boxes so you hold coins because you can never lift a box worth of these I guarantee you. Pumping iron is much easier than pumping cents..
Using the labeling method for each pile with the bowl or whatever also works for clean linoleum in the kitchen because I found that if I take my sprayer and use it as a marker on the linoleum to mark the point where I've just sprayed while I'm waiting for it to soak (and then absorb up with the towel) I have the power of water to clean my floor and not terrible chemicals.
(One in five will supposedly die of cancer needlessly because of chlorine bleach. Baking soda and lemon juice dramatically reduce fumes and cleans my linoleum better without scrubbing just soak for an hour and remove).
To save my best coins once I have them in reach by sorting as above I use a notebook with durable transparent plastic sheets. You take the most valuable coins and tape them to one side of your sheet..
Next tear off a bit of paper tape. I use it vertically beside the coin. On this I number which coin it is, its rating, and possible sale value.
You can use a wide piece of paper tape at the bottom of a sheet, on this you simply write the numbers of the coins to find them and why they might be more worth looking into.
This is a cheap simple way to keep track of your most valuable coins if you want.
If you want to sell to an auction by mail They may require you to photograph the coins and it's really tough to keep them still with the high resolution zoom, So you might want to ask the people who will give you the free evaluation at many of the auction sites If you could do a video of flipping over both sides of each coin.
Otherwise some coins might have only heads up!
You can flip over the coins while reading what's your guess about the coin rating will be and what you might hope to get for it from the auctioneer before they give you the free estimate.
For example The Great Collections Coin Auction Site (listed on the first page of the PCGS Redbook) has the free estimate and also the only charge is a 5% sellers fee as well as the other charge of the grading fee which mostly you'd pay anyhow.
Most people who pass up profit from the coins have no idea that they've even just lost that much or found it..
This reminds me of something that Stuart says in his book where by some of his plans like restaurant menus with commercials on them, most people will pass over this chance without even having realized what it might be worth.
As I say here on the link below about reducing computer overuse, 2/3 of video gamblers are addicted and 50% are now addicted to their cell phones also. It's a problem fast increasing..
Click Here
or see this link at the end of my post if you like.
Some of the gambling apps that supposedly give the winnings to charity seem especially unsavory.
This is supposed to gyp the people who want to be charitable.
Charitable it really isn't because it's habit forming and while the claim is money will be exchanged and they'll pay you, because it's addictive the opposite would be true.
Gambling is a way that the
poor are more miserable while the rich get paid more for the vice..
It seems especially unwholesome because we can imagine innocent poor people or teens who want to help the world with charity and with this being used against them, and what the app promoters are hoping for is not charity but money. They don't care if they ruin lives, just so they get the upper hand.
One thing about being an author is it seems to be a bit like gambling to click your own headlines.
I was doing this as some of my sites got filtered while not all of them, but as I hope you can see from this site I was doing lots of valuable sites.
Kind generous problem solving solutions that are with good cheer are not exactly "disinformation".
I would hope that people realize he who blends celebration the necessary has the approval of most..
Another possible way not to be overlooked as a way to profit from junk silver is by the way some of even the cheap ones are going up 100% per year in numismatic value.
It might seem these small coins might be the most valuable (or as I say not compared to copper cents, I just list this for you for more options) because one might buy the junk silver with a year or two of watching it multiply and reradiate in a golden pile with the aura and resell it and you've doubled your money, with each loop sort of like the lottery but you win because with the lottery even the winners are losers..
About silver these are the five ways some at some rate might make money off of silver coins,
1. Rare mint errors,
2. Key dates (like filling just that space in the collecting millionaires cash collection!)
3. Bullion value,
4. Small coin appreciation money (though I haven't yet seen how to sell these. Certainly it would seem to be much easier to buy a large cost key date coin for $1,000 and wait for it to appreciate $1,000 than try to sell a thousand small value coins like on eBay where you don't know if you will even have a market for those thousand you went through eke by eke to sell. Even so this still seems a possibility.)
5. Instead of buying the rich coin online of whatever type, bullion rare, or key date, etc. you go through the rolls and rolls of coins to find the one that is the treasure worth $25, 000.57, well it seems like it should be shouldn't it?
Here I say again for me copper or silver is just a way in to gold or perhaps other investments.
One good idea might be to buy silver if you're on a budget then reinvest into crypto and about half into gold or other rare and collectible coins and then finally the profit is used to buy gold which eventually makes a lot of money itself.
More particularly you go back and forth between the more rich ones like crypto... they're more volatile, and then make money off of gold to then put more into the crypto in loops especially with the stop losses.
All this is just hypothetical of course and I make no promises here.
For me this works for you other methods may be best.
In this book Stuart says while "thousands have already gotten rich off the value of rare and collectible coins", it has risk.
Experts say that if you just put 200- $300 a month in coins regularly you could probably be rich in 10 years, or at any rate that's Stuart says in his book about what past evidence has shown.
I bought it and it has like 50 plans just for $30 back when publishing was real rich..
Many of the plans like publishing for money are outdated but what's left may make some high income with reduced investment cost and lower risk.
In Stewart's book for example, he talks about how you can make big money with flea markets no not by golden fleas! Rather the money is in renting an abandoned lot like an old movie lot downtown for the business, and with small ads if you set up plywood booths for $25 each and you charge $20 a day if you have ten booths you're already making $200 a day with room to expand.
Most of the plans in Stewart's book are for people who have the gift of sales,
but if you have the cash to set it up and pay others to do the sales for you this could become a major source of profit for the future.
Consider that if you have a 1,000 flea market booths for $20 a day you're already making $20,000 a day.
Some flea markets have large chains, like they had an ancient Rome! And some even charge buyer fees and for concessions.
Where did Stewart get these plans.. he went through all the Save Rich Quick plans and saved up all the brilliant wins with value like this.
I called up Stuart in the old days to ask him about some of his plans and he treated me nice and with respect.
He talks in his book about fascinating things about like how he got a patent on a gold panning machine for tourists, where the gold really is out west!
Stewart recommends if you want to be rich, copy people whose methods you admire who already are wealthy which to me seems one more good example of Stewart's common and uncommon sense.
Another of these cool methods is to make a greenhouse where you're growing herbs (even store bought ones are hundreds of dollars an ounce). And as you earn more you build more space!
The greenhouse is powered by rabbits which fertilize the herbs and keep the greenhouse from freezing in the winter.. rabbits are cozy and the house is also built into a slope, so it saves heat and you're getting a whole lot from this, also here with room to expand the business and create more space.
In his book he talks about more events like this that are brilliant with high pay and often at low or no cost for investment, and that are not well known (so there's not so much competition) and he notes that one beauty of these methods is how they can be combined to multiply up the value.
To Stuart I owe my awareness about how collectable coins have made a lot of people wealthy.
The book he wrote might still be available in print online, and I wish you well about finding it.
One possible problem is just that the economy won't be as much of a market for reselling your commodities like gold or silver which at any rate would seem to be more sound than the stock market itself.
Investments like palladium are always coming and going, sooner or later all rallys must end.
For example while experts say gold and other metals may be a good value for 20 to 30 years, NASA is looking at a way of mining asteroids for rare metals and this could bring down the market for precious metals.
This is believed even so to be 20 or 30 years into the future during which gold would still be valuable.
So when you're dealing with any commodity it's always important to watch the news, especially about the commoditys you're trading. (If you make a lot of money beyond a certain point this may not be as necessary..)
Apps can be valuable to keep up to date, especially if by way of reduced cell phone use so I'm only using my machine other than editing posts like this which I then only post once a week. The App Block app timer which is the app I use turns off the internet for like a week while still using the app with an online connection but maybe tough to hack because it's a simple connection with only the one app. This combined with my other methods may reduce the risk of hackers which Americans say is their number one fear in surveys. My chance seems to be about 1 in 4,000 by the methods I use while most people's chances are about 1 and 3 of being hacked per year.
(This number of 1 in 4000 comes from combinations of my methods and its just an estimate.)
See my link at the end of the page or if you like click here
...for how to reduce cell phone overuse, which is a common problem affecting 57%, all levels of society.
Cell phone overuse can limit the efficiency of your internet activities, and on my link I'll show you how to get the equivalent of 80% more value at 80% reduced "cost" for the time you spend online.
(I achieve this by methods like timing out my router with a timer padlock in a duffel and then offline I make a search list for the week and just spend 4 hours online doing the searches. )
Avoiding being hacked by keeping your connection simple and staying offline mostly seems especially valuable when doing financial activities online.
I use only one phone especially dedicated to business in order to keep the connection simple. This may be valuable for avoiding being hacked because studys show most hacks are also by way of malicious apps.
I'm not making any promises here and I'll let you decide for yourself if my methods might have value for you, and while I have hope, I make no claim for you..
About stocks or apps etc unlike gambling (investments of these type are not so much gambling because you're building the value of a company and you both win, or with gambling where the house wins or you lose..) You can exit the trade anytime.
Stop losses are even more valuable.
As an example of a possible future rally, copper while not a value now other than by stocks may become much more valuable because of the need for copper like for EVs and solar and the copper shortage if the price goes up past 12 times what it is now, and this is believed to be possible, if you consider how many establishments there are minting copper collectible coins these days, even with a 12 times margin to even break even for the buyer.
The cost of making the copper coin is only about $3, and if copper went past 12 times more all investors have to pay is $3 to have access to a coin that's worth perhaps five times more in a few years beyond that.
While many are hoarding copper cents in hopes the government will change the law and make it legal to melt the coins, currently there's no money doing this because it's so tough to melt them to get the copper out also because it's difficult to tell whether the copper coin is made of the different metals like zinc and copper and nickel and stuff.
Once you are in with commodities, buying copper stocks or nickel stocks for example can become more valuable.
Keep in mind though that the stock market could collapse anytime, and it seems wiser to have your money in gold and independent of this type of event.
Some of my personal favorites (while these are your own risk and this is not financial advice) are stocks like copper, self-driving trucks like semis which IBM, although a legacy company is also investing in, and of course timber because the old growth trees have been cut down and now the timber value goes up by supply and demand.
Pawlonia tree plantations are expected to make millions of dollars per acre with perhaps a 10 year investment because they're highly valued in the orient and are in reduced supply. Pawlonia trees are too difficult to grow by most people and you have to constantly be tending them and they're also bad for the ecology of your neighborhood,( It will tend to ruin your land because the seeds spread over the area.) so it might be best for some to invest in pawlonia trees on plantations.
The slow growing pawlonia trees found in nature like in Australia are worth 30 or $40,000 each because more have been cut down.. the Chinese and Japanese are wild about them for traditional reasons to make like bowls or musical instruments but they take longer to grow.
Stuart talks about this in his book...
"There have been pawlonia rustlers in the United States, who come in and cut down the trees in the middle of the night and haul them off.
The mayors of some citys say that they're just cutting down their pawlonia trees and are done with it because people have tried to illegally cash in on this."
The hospitality industry is another good investment perhaps, it's making a major comeback after covid 19.
The value of collectible coins is often high.
First I bought silver at 32 an ounce and then it went down to $17.
Next I tried gold but recently I've been earning 8% per month in general it may make only 1% per month which is better than many bank accounts as I say and it seems reliable perhaps.
Even so if you're a small investor starting to become more rich this is not really going to be viable because 1% isn't enough to make it especially with the large outlay to buy your gold.
You could even start with 1/10 oz gold coins which are now (022 Oct 2nd) going for 170 each but this is a high price to pay. A more valuable option and collectible coins might be not to buy gold silver or palladium which has come and gone. Instead consider the lowly cent.
First though I want to say how I found out what I'm about to tell you.
As you can see on the web many people are making $100,000 a year with coin sorting.
I knew a lady in the store and she said as smart as I am if anybody could win the lottery I could.
And I said right back immediately if not right away no! no! It's a setup and I was especially celebrating how I never got involved with it because of the video gambling addiction way it's now gotten with the internet which to me seems more evil.
As far as I can see the real way to "win the lottery is in commodities" or perhaps crypto.
So I kind of quit about gold silver and pallidium and was waiting to slowly invest in gold while "collecting some of not much interest" or at any rate the value and while I hoped I'd be struck by lightning while cleaning my house up so much it's finally clean!
As I say being involved with commodities like this in general is a good area to be in I think.
I thought this about Stewart's book before I found out about the coins and in a book by Ken Roberts about how to do futures while I would never do them but you can learn some interesting things and that's where I first learned about stop losses as I say above.
Of course more recently you can find out more about stop losses and other events like this with the internet but for those days if I was more in the general area of the aura with the possibility of great wealth so be it. Finally my dog is getting enough cheese in 1987..
And here is how I found a valuable improvement.
When you have usual change from the store you can look at an app like the PCGS (Professional Coin Guarantee) app and there will tell you the price.
So I looked at some old coins I had and I found some of them were worth like 20 or $30.
This was for quarters and some other coins.
So the next thing I started to do was look at pennies what are they worth.
Some like the rarest penny perhaps the 1969 S Double Die Obverse sell for $120, 000 and I said well right, I already knew this.
And then I started to look at the values of most pennies.
So at first I'm sorting through my pennies..I just go to the bank.. I recommend if like me you like to exercise and you walk to carry them wear a backpack because $40 I can just barely carry without considerable discomfort.
So in order to sort my coins more efficiently other than just before or after 1982, I started to look at the more recent dates of the coins and the values.
One event I consider is that if you just take your usual pocket change and sort through it and then find all the valuable coins in a year you may have a thousand dollars extra.
And I noticed that many/some of the more recent coins are getting thousands.
These aren't the ones that you're probably going to win the prize with. Instead perhaps a good method would be to buy the coins and go over them and over them well and list all the valuable ones in the poly notebook.
But the main thing I noticed is even coins from 2012 of the value level you can easily find here and now for 10 years up, are actually mostly worth 15 bucks in this condition.
You may say right so what? And in revelation here, another possibility.
$14 from $0.01
This means if you wait 10 years and you have the right coins your profit is $140,000%..
Basically you can buy the same $40 worth of coins and filter out all the ones that aren't valuable, what is this it's where you spend your cash, right! And you can also use most of that $40 to buy your next batch after you spent the less valuable coins in the first batch.
Compare this to buying mercury dimes where you have to pay a third more to get with their worth and then to sell them back you get a third less, these fees are completely reduced to 0 just by buying pennies at the bank. There is no overhead.
Or consider that if you have some filtered out cents that are worth $18 each, and you have a hundred of them One roll it's worth $1,800.
But for gold or silver you might pay 2000 for the same $1,800 and if you try to sell them you often have to sell them at a loss of anywhere from 25 to 30%.
The gold and silver value might hopefully go up 1% a month but when you buy your pennies from the bank and sort through them other than the cost of selling them to the deal or like transportation to get there, you've often made 180,000% profit, or more.
I know this may not be as good as Bitcoin but it can't be hacked and it's vastly more than the value of investing in gold.. actually I consider investing in gold long term is a good idea too because of its safe haven value perhaps. It's possible that neither crypto nor collectible rare coins may do well in a poor economy. Rare coins are not considered to be a solid investment and neither is crypto. Even so buying and selling coins like this for numismatic (collectable) value may be a valuable way to make a lot of money for recent events.
If I go around to the banks and I buy $2,000 worth of pennies, and sort them well and recycle them by finding only the good pennies, this will buy 200,000 pennies for $2,000. by this method in 2032, or if we consider also for hypothetical value that we buy the pennies for $0.01 and sell them for $18 $18 x 200000 coins as they might appreciate in 10 years might be worth 3,600,000 dollars.
One reason collectible coins might be valuable is because after May 2022 crypto might have been entering into a winter. I don't believe personally that crypto will stay bought out, and all its value is certainly not used up and some say this will be a good time to buy crypto when it's low like this.
One reason to believe this is because people are putting their trust in a machine with crypto like the blockchain, and like a bank with 57 million dollars of worth when you smooth it out it's not $20 and a bread machine!
We might well assume that crypto though may stay low indefinitely and so the simple value of rare and collectible coins "might be a good substitute" for crypto.
Of course this is assuming all the pennies that you might sell would be worth $18 each and you paid a cent for them, and also that you could sell them at the end of the 10 years. Another thing to consider is that you would have to do a lot of sorting and reselling of your coins buying batches of them and going through to find all the bright and more valuable coins. Then the collector might resell the coins with each batch and then use that money to buy more, year after year, month after month filtering out the most valuable coins and saving up.
This takes considerable labor and while crypto doesn't take as much labor and might not be as secure the payoff level for either might be comparable. Note that if you live in an urban area with lots of coin dealers your chance of selling well is better and if you live in a small town it may take lots of travel to do this. Even so with the money you earn travel and lodging if you even if you live in a rural area is in reach.
30 to 40% of the people who have invested in crypto are poor people and so a major part of the value of crypto so far has been by way of government money especially by way of the Covid relief funds.
This is one reason why a second line of investment value other than crypto may be of worth as well as just a way to boost crypto earnings you can find, because if the government pay stops crypto may stop also while rare and collectable coins might continue in value.
Of course it's possible that rare and collectible coins also may not do well in a poorer economy. And likewise we could say there's no guarantee that crypto won't do well and coins will. Even so it's quite possible that both will do well but here I say we don't know and you want to carefully consider all coins or other investments with care whether crypto or other. It's your money after all.
About the coins collectable value this is not even including the copper value of pennies and even so as I say paying professionals to promote your business with the money you make might be the easiest way.
If you look 20 years ago for high quality coins, they're often worth twice what they were 10 years ago.. in other words those coins you have from 20 years ago in 10 years may be even worth more than the ones from 10 years ago if you find the high quality ones.
Some coin sorters use a controversial method of finding new coins that have a super high rating like MS 70 and then selling those for their value because really high grade coins are often worth thousands or even tens of thousands even while they're not old coins.
I'm not sure but you might be able to ask the bank teller if she could give you uncirculated coins like pennies.
Or some other source of uncirculated coins might be a value.
While there are no guarantees, one problem is about being able to resell them in 10 years. If the economy collapses there may be no value in those coins as much.
For this reason some might want to not save for a long-term investment unless with the money to do it but rather just try to start earning onward by doing this for just a bucket full of coins and then trying to get all the money out of each before they proceed.
A lot of people will have extra money to invest and this might also be really valuable for the rest of the coins because politicians may vote to make it legal to melt the copper for pennies.
With the pennies you get 200 chances to win but the current value for like mercury dimes is about $2 each when you pay 120$ for 60 Mercury dimes. Even if you find several winners you still have to sell them back and this will cost you at least 20 more for a total of $40 just to stay in the business of doing this which is a really high rate I think.
With the dimes you get one chance to win but with the pennies you get 200 times for the same cost compared to dimes actually reduced because of the premium.
Stuart was in partnership with the people who were selling the information at that time about how to self fund into the value of rare and collectible coins by selling information at the same time by a sort of MLM business, and he's selling the complete details by information. (MLM which was more popular in those days is not so dumb as it may seem because 1 in 5 would get rich and this is the same rate as for the success of small businesses and most of them don't get rich.)
Even so I never really got to find out what this is about including the details.
Perhaps somewhere in the other information Stuart was selling there was the evidence that pennies are a much cheaper way than paying $300 a month to invest in that business. If Stuart didn't know about this idea perhaps I may have improved it here (for my use or perhaps for yours which you do at your own risk)...investing less than even $300 a month.
Practice and if you go over your coins, value in a winter snow storm, and consult the app to give yourself continuous training just by zooming up on the coins if you need to, at first you might want to pay somebody to help you sell to the auctions but as you go on you may get used to it so you're on your own and save also because that may cost quite a lot actually even while the general profit is of value.
You can also wager more when you get more like with crypto but this may be more risky so you never want to invest too much on it but only part of your overall money. I tend to no more than 1/5 of my money earned like with gold, on Bitcoin etc.
One of the main things I've changed my idea about is about where to put my crypto money and other profits once I make it.
Instead of putting most of it into gold I'm consider putting it into copper pennies.
As I say just $2,000 worth of copper pennies may seem to become worth millions in 10 years.
In his book Stuart says that anyone can become wealthy by putting $300 a month into rare and collectable coins I would say "at least if you could sell them then".
The copper value may also have value perhaps worth of thousands for the same $2,000. Even so if you make a lot more with crypto you could put a whole lot more into copper and like me you may even want to donate a lot of it in hopes of the world.
Even while copper pennys seem valuable like this I'm considering putting a large amount of my money into gold and silver because it makes sense to not have all value in one safe.
This is why experts recommend hiding your gold if you have it in multiple places and mostly storing or hiding it overseas, in more than one ocean! when you go where you haven't been rich yet and commodity land!
The idea of the solidity of investment is obviously important.
One way that we can have job security is just by finding investments or improving ourselves more than we had the year before.
Thus more slow but sure investment like gold is not in theory the only way possible to maximize the value of investments.
More particularly due to the free financial insurance of stop losses and the large volatility of cryptocurrencies there might be a real possibility of large profits still available even if it's possible most of the other markets might not prosper well at that time, first of all because people are going into crypto if perceived more as a safe haven, and also while the rest of the economy might be of reduced activity, the super volatility of crypto might still be essentially a way to make your money grow even in times of less financial value for the rest of the economy.
Even if the general area of the crypto or the business environment is lower in the future it would seem to still be fluctuating rapidly at the base level enough that investors might be able to ride on those fluxuations by using stop losses if no other options other than just watching gold continue to rise are available.
This might be due to the change of the crypto continuing even while the overall value of the economy is slower and crypto is lower but still fluctuating rapidly as it tends to if some know how to ride the wave another way.
For example it had been thought by physicists the random motion of the air could never be harnessed for power.
Yet the changes continue and graphene chips are being used that use the short range motion of the molecules of the air that may power your cell phone forever are being developed.
(Another possibility I had thought of here was about how the air actually has about 200 volts of electricity but it cancels out at short distance and so it's possible that with short enough distance "this power also might be used". )
So if you make use of the speculation this may be a way to get in late with crypto even with the "crypto winter"
Another value of stop losses is if you expect by the pattern for a stock or coin to rise for example if it's gone up and down in loops two or three times and you're right at where it's about to go up again or maybe perhaps an altcoin that's been rising for months or years regularly then you can hope to buy in there and as it goes up you can use stop losses to hope to lock in your profits. A little higher you make more yet higher yet you make more yet, if it goes down to a certain level you exit the trade but you've got a lot more money because you've locked in your profits and your risk is much reduced..
Another way to profit from cryptos by way of Arbitrage apps like Cryptohopper.. these apps use the old principal of finding the difference between the same stock or commodity in different markets and then buying them for the difference and making a profit. While this is considered to be a safer method of investment where you sign up for the app and you've got a steady stream of residual income and it's safer because you or only buying at the distinction of prices at that point and not having to know these elaborate ways of finding which stock will advance I consider this not to be as safe necessarily until some larger businesses start these Arbitrage apps. If you seen some of the apps I have you know they're kind of amateur to the max now don't want to lose a lot of money trusting these apps till more professional larger businesses start these sort of apps.
Even so due to the large volatility and price swings of crypto and the constant 24-hour trading everywhere arbitrage is considered to be a real opportunity because there are a lot more profit opportunities available than there were with the old arbitrage.
One possibility is to set up one arbitrage app to have a continual stream of residual income without any effort but also I can conceive of using the money you get from one Arbitrage app to fund another one and then continue doing this with more apps.. Arbitrage apps are considered to be safer by experts as I say even so the main problem might be the reliability of the apps themselves but I think this is an idea that may have promise if investors find the right apps.
I have read however that arbitrage takes a whole lot of money to start with. Perhaps the method of "speculation" about the announcements of interest rates as above or other methods might be better that don't have this limitation.
When you have a master's degree in business but not in education or history your chance of becoming a millionaire is 37% mostly by way of the stock market. Who says gold isn't old!
But economics is that dismal science, and what if you don't have the time or inclination to get a master's degree in business.
What you do for money allows what you have and what you do for celebration makes you who you are.
So I hope you're rich soon...
Coin sorting seems to be superior even to crypto for profit value, greater reliability, and it can't be hacked, even so crypto in it's own value is not to be underrated.
While all investments have risk,
A combination of crypto with commodities like gold may be more valuable yet especially with use of stop losses.
Another way to do something like stop losses is by the way of a crypto notification app that tells you when you might want to buy and sell.
For myself at any rate to invest money I want to use a two-step method of first earning the income, then storing it where it "earns interest" indefinitely like in gold copper or silver while earning more yet hopefully.
This is what the rich know apparently unlike most lottery winners.
Stop losses with crypto may be of worth if the market doesn't do well.
While I don't recommend it for all it seems theoretically possible that investing in apps with good turnaround potential might be a source of value.
Solve Cellphone Overuse, simple reliable method just use a timer padlock!
Yes Stop Losses are of worth for some at Any rate! Click here for the page about some of the best ways stops have been used ..
Here again even so I make no claim about the validity of third party sites like this.. my site is for entertainment purposes only.. see your financial editor if you have doubt..
Here's my page about how conversational distractions are costing 57% of the money of the economy
Even if in a way this about reducing noise and other methods may buy you short-term debt relief and help you lose weight it doesn't really solve the underlying problem which would be the overcrowding..
(Why it relates directly to supply and demand)
It's been seen how covid would't have happened if there had been no over crowding, and if it was as it was for millions of years where people weren't wondering underground where they picked up covid..
So treating the ecology fine maybe a treasure to the world, because we're doing something just in the balance of nature.
Here again is the link to my site about
. ,
"Evolution, Overcrowding and its Historic Influence"...
"60$ a week each week" For most at least 350$ a week by preparing your own food, just toss beans, potatoes, grains, pasta in the timer pot..few dishes to wash.. The pressure cooker pays for itself in a week..
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